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GPS Coordinates

Diskusní fórum > Ostatní diskuse > GPS Coordinates

Patrick69 (24.3.2007 17:36)

Yes, I saw this site a few days ago. There are a few more sites also in the dutch language available. With the gps coordinates of the bigger fortifications.
We received a very good offer from the man who rent his house at Jivka, so we decided to stay there for three weeks.
We will come back to visit other places, hopefully your offer is still available then Martin.
This gives me also the oppertunity to visit Poland and maybe parts of the Obszar Warowny Slask (OWS).

Thanks again!

Vladimír Sýkora (23.3.2007 21:25)

Patrick, do you know this web?

If you finish your trip plannig, contact me by e-mail and I will prepare some coordinates for you. I am TTQV user too.

Vladimír Sýkora (23.3.2007 21:11)

> Patrick
Thanks for altvista-dictionary. I'll try to read your web in the long winter evenings :-))
You were stolen 21 years ago? Wow. Be very, very careful now, the situation is worse today, but I don't think than everywhere in European cities (incl. Amsterdam). Take it easy.
And English or German in Czech rep.? We don't submit prejudices, but as I saw your German, donť try German please, because if you unfortunately speak to some German for example on the Charles bridge, he won't understand you :-)

Patrick69 (23.3.2007 12:50)

@ Vladimir,

I use sometimes this site to translate http://babelfish.altavista.com/

I have got email back for a house at Jivka, this house is still available, so we will go there for two weeks in august. I saw at TTQV that Roudnice is indeed not far from Praque, but I think it is very full with tourists in august. It is a very nice city, I was there 21 years ago. I have bad memories at Praque, they stole my wallet. But the same can happen here in Amsterdam. I have bought some books at famous bookshop about fortresses and WW stuff of the region at the giant mauntains (Riesengebirge) but nothing at the region west of praque. Yes, they are almost all in the Czech language :-) So, therefor I have to look again for more things to see in that neighbourhood and look for a nice house to stay. Our planning continous with this :-) At our way to come at Jivka we also bring Nordhausen(V2 factory and concentrationcamp) a visit. If anybody has a suggestion I am glad to hear it.
Is it better to speak in the czech Republique in english or int german? At Greece they did not want to help if we spoke german. After we told the people we were from the Netherlands we got what we wanted. Just to have a good start with the Czech people..
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
If my help is needed for a trip to the Netherlands or the Maginot or whatever do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

ivan (23.3.2007 11:33)

já snim taky komunikuju ale moje Aj neni tak navíši atk mi pomáhá přítelkyně :-)

Vladimír Sýkora (23.3.2007 8:51)

> Patrick
I've visited your website but Dutch is not my long suit :-) Would you be so kind and give me some link to webdictionary from Dutch to English?

Kristina (23.3.2007 8:44)

... a i Vladimírovi! Díky!

Kristina (23.3.2007 8:42)

Nechápu proč se hned bojíte, když napíše někdo ze zahraničí, že má zájem o české opevnění? Se bojíte, že vám z toho udělají svá letní sídla, nebo že si bunkry odveze domů? Představte si sebe, jak jedete na výlet do Francie a prosíte někoho o pomoc v neznámé zemi, aby vám podal info. Že se nestydíte! Copak vaše jazyková vybavenost je tak výborná? Velký dík patří Martinu Rajnyšovi, že se chlapíka ujal.

Vladimír Sýkora (23.3.2007 8:40)

> Patrick
Your plan to visit the Trutnov region is a good choice. Not only forts but very nice landscape (Giant mountains etc.) Probably you know about http://www.stachelberg.cz English version is a little short. I recommend you to contact (Czech part of website http://www.stachelberg.cz/?id=kontakty) Mr. Kejzlar, I hope that you can communicate in English with him.
Near of Trutnov there is Nachod with legendary object http://www.brezinka.cz and famous fortress http://rmn.wz.cz/dobrosov/dobrosov.html I regret that links are in Czech that's why I give you link to webdictionary http://slovnik.seznam.cz/
"anglicko-český" means from English to Czech and
"český-anglicko" means from Czech to English
It may help you.
And the third week you may want to spend in Prague. Roudnice and Martin is near from here :-)

Patrick69 (22.3.2007 21:52)

Hi Martin,
Thank you very much for your invitation! We are in a planning stage. We want to stay for three weeks in Tjechië. Perhaps two weeks in the neighbourhood of Trutnov. We will look if there is more to see in the neighbourhood of Roudnice. I do not know the landscape there. Perhaps you have other suggestions we can also visit there, that would be more then welcome.
We will keep in contact.


ivan (22.3.2007 21:19)

mě přišel taky a nevim co stim :-) jak to řešíte vy

Martin Rajnyš (22.3.2007 20:31)

Hi Patrick, it is not a problem to invite you to Czech Republic to see our fortress in Roudnice nad Labem (about 70 km far from German border). If you can give us precise time of your arrival, I can arrange visit for you. Best regards Martin Rajnys

Tomáš KOUBELE (22.3.2007 20:10)

Jo, joo.. taky mi ta slátanina přišla. A i když to dotyčný snad nemyslí ve zlém, mail skončil v koši.

Patrick69 (22.3.2007 18:29)

Thank you Vladimir for your answer, then I will change to english.

I am member of the dutch society for the remaining of fortresses and fortifications. Maybe you can take a visit at our website, it is http://www.forten.info
I visited the Maginot line two times this year. The oppsosite of the Maginot is your defense line. Therefore I want to go to it and make some nice pictures of it.
We have the same passion, if someone askes for help or other information we are capable of giving it, we will help.
So there is no need of being afraid for destruction or whatever.

Kind regards,

Zdenda (22.3.2007 18:02)

Mně mail přišel také.jelikož nemám rád viry a díky překladači to byla nějaká slátanina tak jsem ho radši ani neotevřel a hned jsem ho smáznul.čau.nabijte šestadváci.Budem se bránit.Tentokrát to vyjde.

Jiří Kaštil - začátečník (22.3.2007 16:46)

..je to jasné,chtějí nám ukrást naše bunkry.

Martin Urbánek (22.3.2007 16:24)

Dnes mi přišel email v lámané němčině, údajně z Holandska. Mně neznámý člověk píše, že shání všechny koordináty opevnění v Čechách. Uvádí, že chce jet na dovolenou do Čech, v létě. Jsem jediný komu email přišel? Tuším v tom nějakou levárnu, ale jakou?

Vladimír Sýkora (22.3.2007 15:46)

Die Coordinaten sind nicht für normal Ververder zu downloaden.
Sehr schlechte Deutsch!!!
Englisch ist besser.

Patrick69 (22.3.2007 14:11)

Hallo Allen, Ich schreibe diesen Tekst in deutsch, weil ich gehört habe die meisten Tjech sprechen auch deutsch. Euere Site seht gut aus! Leider kann Ich nicht alles lesen, aber die Bilder machen vieles gut. Wir haben viel gehört über den Tjechischen Linie und möchten die gerne diesen Summer besuchen. Nun sehe ich das von viele Werken die GPS coordinaten bekannt sind. Ist diese Liste auch irgendwo zu downloaden. Dass wird mir viel Arbeit spahren. Ich danke euch für ihren Mühe, Freundlichen grussen, Patrick

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